If you use a coupon for a gift, the coupon will not show on the gift receipt. The gift receipt simply lists the item purchased, it does not include price or usage of a coupon.
i dont think so
A receipt and the purchased item?
A receipt is issued when an item or items are purchased so a receipt is given to show the price of these items.
Yes you may. That is the beauty of having your membership card scanned at the beginning of your transaction (at front check out). Your purchased items are tracked so that if you lose the receipt, member service/returns will still be able to look up that you purchased the item. However, sometimes there will be a lost receipt fee. I had a microwave I purchased at Costco. 9 months later it burst into flames. I still had the original box and manual but no receipt. I put the microwave in the box and took it back to costco. The refunded the amount minus a $20 fee. When I originally purchased the microwave it was on sale for $20 off, so it cost me $40 to exchange the microwave for the same model which was no longer on-sale. It is unlikely that you will be able to return an item you received as a gift, with no receipt, unless you bring in the person who bought it for you and have them look up the item on their membership card.
A jewelry gift box can be purchased from a jewelry shop or online. Some of the websites that sell this item are eBay, Amazon, Beads DIRECT and HSamuel.
Yes you can just make sure you have the receipt!
Return it with a receipt If it has a warrentee or your somewhere like wallmart you go to the help dest and they will refund it for the amount payed, store credit or a trade-in for the item
The solid line of numbers is either the register number or the transaction number. If it were a number of an item the actual item's name or its abbreviation would appear.
A receipt and some sort of valid valuation for the item.
Bodum coffee makers can be purchased online from stores such as Macy's. Alternatively, you can purchase this item online from retailers such as Amazon and Zappos.
Some places allow you to return or exchange an item without a receipt. Others absolutely refuse. A few will allow you to exchange an item for in-store credit without a receipt.