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Q: Can triplex be buried in ground in pipe?
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What is the difference between pipe earthing and plate earthing?

Assuming your reference to "earthing" is grounding (Grounding Electrode Conductor), a pipe is, as it sounds, a pipe (i.e. water pipe). A plate would be, as it sounds, a square (or rectangular) copper plate which would be buried in the ground.

How water comes through a pipeline for bath when water is freezed?

Because the mains pipe is buried in the ground where it takes longer for the cold to reach.

How pipe flanges are electrically insulated?

Pipe flanges are protected from corrosion by means of electrolysis,with dielectric flanges. The piping system is electricaly insulated by what is called a sacrificial anode. A bag of readily corrodable metal is buried in the ground with a wire running from the pipe to the bag so that the sacrificial anode will corrode first. If any electrical current charges the pipe it also serves as a ground.

Can you bury galvanized gas pipe?

It is not advisable to bury a galvanized gas lineMost civilized codes will not allow galvanized piping to be buried under ground even for waste or venting it is against good plumbing practices. I have seen quite a bit of buried galvanized pipe, both for water and gas. It does rust out eventually. Interestingly enough, it usually rusts through at point at which it comes up out of the ground.

Can PVC pipe be buried?

Yes it should be

Where was Virgil Grissom buried?

he was buried in the ground

How do you find PVC pipe under ground?

Pic pipe under ground

Where is toussaint l'ouverture buried?

He was Buried Under ground.

How deep does a propain pipe have to be buried?

24 inches.

How deep does propain pipe have to be buried?

24 inches.

What is a difference between a duplex and triplex?

Duplex is two arpartments Triplex is three apartments