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Gmail accounts are individually owned. You can sign up for a Gmail account directly from their website. The accounts are free and can be customized for sending and receiving mail.

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Will a Gmail account give me a YouTube account?

No, But you can sign up for YouTube with that Gmail Account!

How to give password reset code send to Gmail account when your facebook as well as Gmail account has been hacked?

Make a new gmail account then have facebook send it to your new account.

Gmail just notified that an email that was sent to you were sent by someone that has broken into a Gmail account you are concerened that your Gmail account could be compromised as a result?

dude, its a scam

Will a youtube account give you a Gmail account?

YouTube account is same as gmail account. Both are used for same purpose only. Since both are the products of Google corporation.

How can you use your gmail account to reach someone who has a yahooIM account?

Gmail account can be reached to Yahoo mail too. Gmail allows mails to be sent to Yahoo mail also. The messenger messages cannot be sent across servers.

How do you find out if someone has a Gmail account?

ask him ye you cannot find out unless he or someone he knows tells you.

How do you re-hack my gmail account I want my info back?

Hacking any account is not legal according to Gmail. If you know the password, you can open it. Forcing someone else's account is a crime.

How do you find someones new gmail account?

You cannot find if someone has a new Gmail account or not. Social networking provide date of joining only. The mailing service like Gmail does not provide this facility.

How do you check my Gmail on someone else's computer?

You can log into your Gmail from any computer. You must log out from any gmail account opened. Then you have to put your details in it for the same.

Can someone give you a good account on dragonfable?

If someone is willing to give their account away, then yes, someone can give you their account.

How do you create a Gmail account for a kid?

How old is he/she? According to Gmail terms and service, you can not create an account for someone who is less than 13 years old.

Why can you not get a Gmail account?

You can get a GMail Account. Just go to the official GMail website and click on Sign UP or you are to young.