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All cellphones, even old analog phone, can be tracked to some degree. Those programmed with GPS software can be tracked directly with a relative degree of accuracy.

In the infancy of the cellphone industry, it was possible to track the cell from where a phone was accessing the system (switch). From this, it was relatively easy to narrow down a rough location of a cell phone user. This can still be done today.

With modern cellphones, even if the phone is turned off, outside access is possible to determine location, provided a power source remains constant. Remove the battery, remove the access.

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10y ago

A prepaid cellphone can be tapped just as easily as any other cellphone. It can also be traced to the point of purchase, and if you use a credit card it can easily be traced to the buyer. If you pay cash, it is more difficult, but not completely impossible, to trace.

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13y ago

Cell phones send caller ID info just like land-line phones.depending on how u use it or who u call

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2 mins

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U dont until they pick up

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Yes She Does. Its 972-499-4918. She Even Calls Back.

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Call the phone company and request the record

How do you get the book bag in Giza in Poptropica?

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