email address is individual person address but web address is public address. email address is different for every one in the world but web address is same for every one in the world.
email address has an "at" symbol @ web address does not.
Http//web address
A web site address is the address of a web site page
The simplest way of achieving anonymous web surfing is by using a VPN or Proxy server to mask the individual's IP address. This way the details are not passed on to the connecting sites and the identity of the individual can remain hidden.
The web address of friendster is
The R.S.P.C.A web address is
a web address suffix.
A web address is a human understandable text. This text is converted to IP address to get the web page.
Any web address it is. The blog is not defined by its web address but by the content and into some extend the appearance.
The web address is you got to look for the web address is in u write tj hughes of Glasgow and it will tell you the web address..
A web address identifies a specific web page that the user wants to display.