its not bad dnt worry but its just to early
my step sister had a baby and she had her first ultra sound at 2 months so yes i believe it's still early. Actually I had an Ultrasound done at 5 weeks and 5 days. They were able to see the sac, baby and pick up the heart beat at 122 bpm. So no, it it not too early to get an ultrasound.
An ultrasound is a common procedure that is often performed in pregnant dogs. It can detect as help determine pregnancy as early as 18 days after ovulation and around day 23 it is possible to hear the puppy's heart beats. The ultrasound is harmless and many prefer it to x-rays.
External ultrasounds can only detect pregnancy when you are more than about 5-6 weeks wereas if you have an internel ultrasound they can detect pregnancy from as early as 4weeks. In answer to your question you are either not as far gone as originally thort and would have to have a internal ultrasound to dertimine/detect pregnancy or you are just not pregnant.AnswerI'm suprised that they wouldn't tell you when you got it done. The fetus at that age is so small its very possible that you could not see it. Or you are not as far along as you thought and it was just a yolk sack.
Implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine lining cannot be seen on ultrasound because it occurs at a cellular level. However, ultrasound can detect a gestational sac as early as around 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, which indicates that implantation has occurred.
It is advisable to have the pap smear and ultrasound, they should not affect your pregnancy in any way and will help detect any early abnormalities.These are not the likely cause of your miscarriages in the past, so I encourage you to have these done
SONAR, which was developed by the military to detect submarines.
The size of the fetus, to detect multiple or ectopic pregnancy, to confirm the fetus is alive, to confirm the due date, reveal defects in fetus, to check the placenta, position of the fetus, growth of the fetus.
The best and most reliable way to confirm a twin or multiple pregnancy is to see it with an ultrasound. An ultrasound is the only guaranteed way to know whether you're carring more than one baby. An ultrasound may be able to detect multiple embryos as early as your third week of pregnancy; However, the ultrasound will be most reliable at detecting a multiple or twin pregnancy at around 6 to 8 weeks.
Babies do not grow in your stomach. That is where your food goes. A trans-vaginal ultrasound scan would be the best way of 'seeing' an early uterine pregnancy, although it is likely to not be able to detect much at 3 weeks.
by dietary changes and medication. Prompt evaluation of infections and urinary complaints will usually detect problems early enough to prevent long-term complications.
The ultrasound is as conclusive as it gets. The tests have a small margin of error because they test for hormones. The ultrasound sees what is there or not. You are most certainly pregnant. Possibly with twins. If you are still early on the ultrasound can be inconclusive about that. Sometimes one of the twins will be reabsorbed into your body early on as well. I know one person that showed twins early on but only one in a later ultrasound. I hope that this is good news for you and that both babies are born healthy.