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Definitely, but not as easily.

A virus can spread without internet through a LAN (Local Area Network) if you have one, through transferred files, or through removable media.

If your computer is connected to a local network which links multiple computers to each other, but not the Internet, the virus may be able to jump from one computer to the next within the LAN. This can be prevented by disconnecting the infected computer from the LAN.

If you copy files from an infected computer, they can also be potentially infected. From my experience, it seems that images are targeted more than most other kinds of files, but almost anything can be infected. Non-executable encrypted files are probably the safest, and compressed files, especially those in less common formats, like .rar or .7z. Remember, though, nothing is completely safe.

Removable devices can also be infected. While it is nearly impossible for your mouse of keyboard to be infected, some removable devices are fairly vulnerable. Flashdrives and external hard drives are the most common to be infected. Many viruses will only be able to spread from that removable device if the infected item is run. This can happen if your device autoruns (which has been disabled on most Windows computers since Windows XP), or if you open an infected picture of document, or run a portable program. Never run an executable that you do not recognize.

Optical disks (CDs and DVDs) are safer from this, but in theory, if not in practice, the virus could burn extra information to the disk, and you could be infected by the disk's autorun (which is NOT disabled on most computers) or by running the infected item.

Removable devices can also be tampered with such that they install the virus when they are connected. This would occur when the device driver is installed. I am unsure if a virus has any way to do this, or if it must be done manually by an individual.

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Sometimes you can get viruses by viewing certain websites. When the virus attacks you, it will copy itself into a spam e-mail and then will send it to people registered in your internet address book

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No. Your Computer does NOT have to be connected to the Internet to run a virus. Any contaminated or corrupt file can infect your computer any time it is open, run, or executed. The Internet is just one of many ways a virus can be 'run', started, opened, or spread. One common source not direct from the Internet is through USB (although the source may have be originated from the Internet.

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will i did not scan my PC before i backed up my computer then after it finish backing up i scanned my PC. Norton internet security 2011 found Trojan virus so it deleted. Then next day i scanned my back up drive it found the same virus that infected my PC so that one way Trojan can spread.

How does a virus enter in your system?

A virus enters the system either by internet (email, downloads, or giving out info) or by infiltration of your computer (a flash drive, black bag job, writing the computer virus on your computer). Internet viruses are more common, as they are easier to spread.

How virus can spread?

A virus can spread by person to person. such as by coughing or sneezing on somebody.

What is slash was the most dangerous computer virus ever?

No. It was not. There was a Trojan horse that was lethal. Your computer would "destroy" itself and spread the virus without you knowing.

What virus causes your computer to pop up internet pages when you disconnect from the internet?

not virus javascripts and activex controls from when you were online, they are still in your web browser and can run without internet delete them from browser Thank You Kris -

Can you get a virus from having internet on without a virus defence system while not using internet?

If you have DSL the network access is always on which is usually accessed with a gateway modem. The gateway, if properly configured, would stop any internet access into your network. A virus from the internet comes from the user either by viewing a webpage, email, downloads etc

Can you catch a virus without having internet access?

Yes you need to have the latest antivirus and anti spyware programs so you would need to download it from another computer which has internet access. Without a good antivirus is would be virtually impossible to remove a virus

How do you stop an internet virus?

You stop an internet virus by getting a firewall.