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Q: Can Two distinct webpages can be sent over the same persistent connection?
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What is the protocol used to open webpages over a secure encrypted connection?

HTTPSHyper text transfer protocol secure

What is considered a persistent cough?

A persistent cough lasts for over a week , with no response to cough syrups.

Can you give me a sentence with the word persistent?

Despite facing numerous setbacks, she remained persistent in her pursuit of success.

What are the rules used to transmit webpages over the internet?

There are none it can be about whatever you want

Rules used to transmit webpages over the internet?

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol or HTTP

What does persistent inability to conceive a child mean?

It means that you keep trying over and over and still can not get pregnant.

Discuss the following term as applied to the hyper text transfer protocol and explain how each can provide performance improvements to hyper text transfer protocol applicationspersistent connections?

HTTP persistent connections, also called HTTP keep-alive, or HTTP connection reuse, is the idea of using the same TCP connection to send and receive multiple HTTP requests/responses, as opposed to opening a new one for every single request/response pair. Using persistent connections is very important for improving HTTP performance. There are several advantages of using persistent connections, including: * Network friendly. Less network traffic due to fewer setting up and tearing down of TCP connections. * Reduced latency on subsequent request. Due to avoidance of initial TCP handshake * Long lasting connections allowing TCP sufficient time to determine the congestion state of the network, thus to react appropriately. The advantages are even more obvious with HTTPS or HTTP over SSL/TLS. There, persistent connections may reduce the number of costly SSL/TLS handshake to establish security associations, in addition to the initial TCP connection set up. In HTTP/1.1, persistent connections are the default behavior of any connection. That is, unless otherwise indicated, the client SHOULD assume that the server will maintain a persistent connection, even after error responses from the server. However, the protocol provides means for a client and a server to signal the closing of a TCP connection.

What is English of makulit?

Persistent Demanding Unrelenting Annoying Over-eager Harassing

What type of connection does http use?

HTTP works over a TCP connection.HTTP works over a TCP connection.HTTP works over a TCP connection.HTTP works over a TCP connection.

What eleminates webpages from the search?

you can usually click the red X to the right when u scroll over the webpage name

What obsession is a warning sign of bulimia?

Persistent over-concern with body shape and weight.

What is a non persistent pollutant?

A non-persistent pollutant is a type of pollutant that breaks down relatively quickly in the environment, usually over a matter of days to weeks. These pollutants do not accumulate in the environment or in living organisms to the same extent as persistent pollutants.