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You registered that name, and have full rights to its internet presence. Don't relinquish it to him, sale it to him and enjoy the rewards.

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Q: Can I legally register a domain name of a business that I have no affiliation with. It is parked and I don't intend to use it. The owner of the business name I registered wants me to relinquish it to him for free. What options do I have.?
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In Virginia, voters do not register by party affiliation and can choose which primary to vote in. Registered voters can participate in either the Democratic or Republican primary, regardless of their party affiliation.

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The past tense of "register" is "registered."

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You can visit any Department of Gender and Social Development office near you and request to be registered. The Department is the only one mandated by the government to register CBOs by the government. However affiliation to other bodies is allowed. see the link below.

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A domain names register stores information on the owner of the site. This is typically the name of the person who registered the site, their business, and their contact details.

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The past form of "register" is "registered" and the past participle is also "registered."

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You have to register as independent, democratic, or republican. You can't leave the party affiliation blank. If you want to register a third party you can too, but without a democratic or republican registration you can't vote in the primaries.

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No. The official Alabama Voter Registration form has no declaration of party affiliation.

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The registration process for a new business name mainly depends on the country where the business will be located. In Germany, for example, one needs a form called "trade certificate" where also the business name gets registered. In Australia new national business names registration process is used to register a business name online.

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