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Yes there will be no problems with this system.

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Q: Can I add a digital answering machine to my analog phone?
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Do the Panasonic digital cordless phone systems include answering machines, or do I have to purchase one separately?

Yes, there are many panasonic digital cordless phone systems that include answering machines. The "Panasonic KX-TG3032B 2.4GHz FHSS, Caller Waiting, Caller ID, Digital Answering Machine Cordless Telephone" includes an answering machine. It can be purchased at "" you have to purchase one seperately.

How does an answering machine work?

An answering machine records incoming messages from callers when you are not available to answer the phone. Calls are directed to the answering machine after a certain number of rings or when you manually set it to do so. The recorded messages can then be listened to or retrieved at a later time.

Can I still buy an analog phone?

No a digital only phone will not work with analog service, but there are analog/digital phones, I don't know if these are still offered but they were very popular because during the transition from analog to digital, digital coverage was not as good as analog so when you had no digital service it would switch to analog. so the only way to have analog service is if the phone is dual analog/digital or if you have a old analog only phone. you can always look up your phone to see if analog is supported.

Does this phone system include an answering machine in it?

Yes it does include an answering machine.

Lexmark X5320 fax machine support digital dial tone?

Not to the best of my knowledge you would still require an analog phone signal.

How can you get an analog phone to work now that no companies provide the analog service?

There is no way to get an analog phone to work on the new digital systems. They simply are not compatible.

Is a telephone analog device?

If you are referring to the traditional PSTN phone, the signals that it receives are analog. If you want to know about VOIP phone, it is digital in nature. However, analog can be converted to digital by using a device called ATA.

Is a digital telephone the same thing as a cell phone?

Digital phone signifies the dialing method in a particular phone. The dialing method can be digital or analog. The house phone can be digital, where you press buttons to dial a number or in rare case analog type where in you turn a number on a dial. All cell phones are digital.

Bryce, Fax machines ?

Bryce, Fax machines are analog devices and they way that they communicate requires an analog signal on the phone line. As you have recently upgraded to digital phone lines, the fax machine by itself will not work. You can contact Sprint to see if they will provide an adapter to allow the analog signal to work. Another alternative would be to purchase a digital fax machine. Thank you for your question. If you found this answer helpful, please click the Accept button!

What is an Internet phone?

Internet phone conforms to Internet protocol. Analog phone can work with digital line by connecting a ATA into it. ATA is a connector or device that will convert analog signal to digital signal making standard phone an IP phone.

Can you use an Analog Modem on a Digital Phone Line?