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Perhaps the car, telephone, computer, television, or the iPhone.

the car, telephone, computer and the tv arent 21st century or important it would have to be a form of medicine

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Q: Biggest invention of 21st century
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What is the best invention in 21st Century?

i heard somewhere that the greatest invention of the 21st century is the internet.

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Yes, it is!

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* *

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We don't have colonies anymore. Welcome to the 21st century.

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The biggest challenges to business ethics in the 21st century seem to be the dishonesty. Dishonesty leads to corruption of businesses and in turn spikes downfalls. With out honesty in any business there comes a price to pay for bad business.

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We are in the 21st Century.

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~this is the 21st century

Did they have batteries in the 21st century?

Yes they do have batteries in the 21st century and had in the 20th century.