Yes only it has to do what the videos is
Because that word may offend some or many of the users of the community. Using inappropriate or harsh language is not allowed in the website. Use of dignified and decent language is expected from all contributors.
Yes, in fact a ton of Youtube partners use inappropriate language in their videos. However, the videos must be non-copyrighted in order for your account to be partnered.
No, I am designed to maintain a positive and respectful conversation environment. If inappropriate language is used, I will either guide you to rephrase your message or let you know that the language is not allowed.
His angry outburst at the meeting was inappropriate.You can be expelled if you wear inappropriate clothing to school.
You would need to use a smart filter and a proxy .
It is very inappropriate and it could also be offensive.
its bad to use bad lanuge because u can be banned
its bad to use bad lanuge because u can be banned
No. Language names are proper nouns, which are not allowed in Scrabble.
You can swear in front of a Mormon, but it will be very offensive to them. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that inappropriate language is offensive to God.The Church-published pamphlet "For the Strength of Youth" says this about swearing and inappropriate lanugage:"Choose friends who use good language. Help others improve their language by your example. Be willing to politely walk away or change the subject when those around you use inappropriate language."
Many children watch YouTube for different reasons. If they are watching something inappropriate, then you should block the app, or take away what they use for YouTube. If they do virtual things, limit that time. Make cutbacks on what the children enjoy. Now, I'm not saying take it away forever, but maybe for a week or 5 days. Most children can't live without devices, sadly. YouTube is blocking inappropriate things, and you have to sign in to prove you are over 21, but it doesn't block all inappropriate things.