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yes there is 20 light years away. it is called Gliese 581g. this planet has land and water and it has the perfect things to create life. This planet is the perfect distance away from its sun for water in liquid form not too hot or cold. There are 7 planets in this solar system but gliese 581g is the only planet identical to ours found by scientists in 2007. This planet had 2 moons and an oxygen atmosphere for life to have evolved. this planet is in our home galaxy the milky way and is the second possible life formed planet besides our own


can we go there?

N0,because no spacecraft could go there but maybe in the far future

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We have very good statistical grounds to think that there do exist Earth-like planets in other galaxies than our own, however, it is impossible for us to detect them at such great distances (it's hard enough to tell what kind of planets other stars have even within our own galaxy).

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No, until mars is proven a life planet

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Q: Are there Earth-like planets outside the Milky Way?
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Yes, there are over 200 more planets outside the solar system, these planets are called extrasolar planets. There are also more then 170 solar systems inside of the Milky Way, on average astronomers find around 25 new planets a year.

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