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Yes, if you share your thoughts, ideas, poems, pictures and just generally have fun.

To begin blogging, you firstly need to create a safe site that may not harm yourself or your audience. To build a site easily, you can build a WordPress site, for there are many free and premium themes, say in, you can find kinds of themes to build your site.

You could potentially open yourself to stalkers and pedophiles who actually go looking at blogs for easy targets. There have been numerous cases where some perv' found his victim through their BLOG because of an address or other identifying information.

Here's some rules and notes to keep in mind when using your blog.

Never post your phone number or home address. Avoid posting your School's name or adderss/location, especially if its a small town. Photos of you which "give away" your location, like standing on your porch with the addess and street sign visible.

Be careful about how descriptive you are with the place you live. I can say, "I live in Washington and really enjoy the beautiful countryside" and that's fine. But if I were to say, "I live in Washington and really like to hang out at the Red Apple store behind my high school on my way home to my pink and yellow striped house with no doorlocks..." all a clever stalker would have to do is Google for all red apple stores in Washington then mapquest them to see which has a high school near it. And easy drive to that location, looking for pink and yellow striped houses and I am good as dead or worse!

have fun be careful. there's weirdos and hateful people out there amongst the good people.

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10y ago
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11y ago

Blogs can be a useful source of information about everything. It's a way to tap the wisdom of the crowds. You can learn first hand about what people think about products they bought, places they've been to and more.
For bloggers it's a great way to share their knowledge, expertise and maybe just random personal thoughts.

Many blogs are often more successful because they include photos, videos and links. Usually, to compliment you blogs with these, you must learn a little "HMTL" programming. This becomes easy after just the first few tries, and is not as difficult as you might imagine. Many blog sites have tools that help you do this.

The most important thing you can do ensure your blog is correctly and adequately maintained is to continue to write additional blogs that can link the reader to your other blogs. Readership can also be increased by ensuring that you respond to comments made by the readers, this interaction invites others to do the same.

If I had to say what was the most important part of the blog, it would be the title. The title is what readers click on to get to your blog, remember not to mislead your readers with your title.

The writing of a successful blog entails, good interesting topic, good title, nice hook, essay format, proper spelling, English and punctuation and summary. The success of a blog can be enhanced by adding video, pictures, links, italics, bold face and appropriate font. After writing just a few blogs in this format, you will be a master blogger.

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15y ago

No source of information is completely reliable, although some go the extra lengths to be just that. Blogs are often made by amateur journalists who can be either more or less reliable than a professional news site, but many blogs are made for the simple purpose of making money from adds on the site. Often times, blog entries are copied from other sites with little effort from the blog author. To sum it up, question everything.

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13y ago

Just make a blog without putting all you confidential information in it. That is the best to do to be safe.

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