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Im in desperate need of a texting buddie.

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Q: Any teens are interested to have a texting buddies?
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How does Facebook affect teens?

It's said that Facebook is causing teens to be less sociable, along with texting teens are showing more and more they have bad grammar seeing most people don't write a whole word out any more.

What items prevent some teens from sleeping enough?

They may be texting depending on their age, or any other digital device. Also something may be on their to them.

Is unlimited texting mean texting to any network?

yes it does!

How any shoulder buddies are there?


How much does unlimited texting cost with Verizon wireless?

unlimited texting varries. unlimited IN Texting w/ 500 messages to any other holder is $10 unlimited IN Texting w/ 1000 messages to any other holder is $15 unlimited IN Texting w/ 5000 messages to any other holder is $20

Can anyone recommend any health websites for teens?

There are many websites available for teenagers who are interested in the medical profession. The website provides information on the medical industry.

Does any one want a texting buddy?

I do!

Why my married boyfriend doesn't call me or text me?

Sorry but this is going to be brutal. The simple matter is that he is not interested in a relationship with you. He is getting what he wants from you without any strings attached and he certainly doesn't want to spend time talking with you or texting.

Do any parents have ideas on what kids car games would work for young teens to be interested in the places we pass on road trips?

Many teens enjoy listening to music, so you might be able to bring a CD of their favorite songs. By doing research before hand you might find something that might interest your teens and mention it while on the trip.

Where can you get net10 unlimited texting at?

Any authorized retailer.

What does netime mean?

any timeUsed in Texting ,Tweeting, facebook and Chat roomsDefinition of netime this term is also used in Texting

Which iPod Touch has texting?

If u ge a texting app and wireless internet , it can be on any generation. But it doesnt come with the ipod