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Q: Answerscom is controlling questions and answers in a politically biased way It pushes right-wing bias at you until you register so you can correct it then it hides it from you?
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Who do you think is going to win election 2008?

The President will win! he's not a HATER Rightwing nut

Who was the rightwing in the 90's for the Pittsburgh penguins?

Jagr was probably the best one. there were many: Recchi, Cullen, Mullen. id say Jagr and Mullen are the best

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Spanish writer Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez, who published in the rightwing, pro-Israel, anti-Communist, Spanish language website Gentiuno.

Why was the Vietnam war so important to south African history?

South Africa had a rightwing govt, and supported the US invasion of Vietnam. Other than that. the conflict was of no concern to SAfrica

What were the name of Johnny Carsons characters?

Johnny Carson's Characters were: Art Fern, the "Tea Time Movie" Announcer Carnac the Magnificent, A Psychic Floyd R. Turbo American, A Rightwing Extremist Aunt Blabby An Old Woman El Mouldo A Mindreader, but not a good one These would be good questions for a trivia game at your next party!

Does Fred swear?

I'm guessing the Fred you are referring to is Fred Phelps? If so, then the answer is yes. The guy curses FAR more than you'd expect a rightwing-fundamentalist to swear. The truth is, Fred Phelps is VERY mentally sick. If the Fred you're talking about is someone else, sorry.

What actors and actresses appeared in Probed - 2008?

The cast of Probed - 2008 includes: Melodie Bogart as Student Joel Cranson as Earl N. Meyer Brenda Cranson as Judy Rightwing Michael Harrelson as Mr. Saver Kevin Herrmann as Carter Fox Kamy Johnson as Student Hal Semmens as Student Mark Urias as Security Guard Leslie Wall as Chrissy Daniels Wendy Wasson as Librarian

Is Rupert murdoch Jewish?

Most mainstream sources imply that he has no Jewish heritage, however the (arguably disreputable and anti-semitic) website Jew Watch states that his mother brought him up as a Jew. The website claims the source to be: Candour [a rightwing British journal edited by A K Chesterton], June 1984 issue (vol. XXXV, no. 6). There have been no reasonable reports in any reputable news source to confirm Rupert Murdoch's heritage.

What do Republicans think about taxes?

The Republicans in today's Congress are firmly against raising taxes especially on the rich or even the very rich! Its like a religion for them-taxcuts taxcuts taxcuts!!! Every econonomic problem demands a taxcut-God forbid to raise taxes to bring down the deficit that they created! The extreme rightwing of the GOP has effectively purged all the liberals and the moderates from the party and now are embarked on wanting to get rid of healthcare for all and Medicaire. These Republicans are far out of the mainstream!

According to the Western Commission who did Lee Harvey Oswald assassinate?

You mean the Warren Commission as there is no information about a Western Commission.The Warren Commission found that he acted alone.Various parts of the report say:His Marine career was not helped by his attitude that he was a man of great ability and intelligence and that many of his superiors in the Marine Corps were not sufficiently competent to give him orders. While Oswald did not seem to object to authority in the abstract, he did think that he should be the one to exercise it.He was undesirably discharged from the Marine Corps Reserve, to which he had been assigned on inactive status following his transfer from active duty, after it was learned that he had defected to the Soviet Union.The Commission has concluded that on April 10, 1963, Oswald shot at Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker (Resigned, U.S. Army), demonstrating once again his propensity to act dramatically and, in this instance violently, in furtherance of his beliefs.The Commission has found no evidence that the extreme views expressed toward President Kennedy by some rightwing groups centered in Dallas or any other general atmosphere of hate or rightwing extremism which may have existed in the city of Dallas had any connection with Oswald's actions on November 22, 1963.

Did the grateful dead and jimi hedrix ever play together?

Ted Nugent has claimed for years that he jammed with Jimi Hendrix on several occasions, but no recordings or 3rd-party accounts have ever confirmed that Nugent ever met Hendrix. The boastful nature of his claims -- he says he once jammed with both Hendrix and B.B. King and "blew them off the stage" (his words) -- coupled with Nugent's well-documented nonsensical rants about the government, hunting, and extreme rightwing politics would seem to indicate that he probably never jammed with Hendrix.