

Best Answer

A. She's busy or B. she was just being nice when she gave it to you. I'm hoping it's A

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Q: A girl gives you her number but does not pick up when you call?
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How to date girls?

Pick up the phone and call her, tell her you are going to have a drinks at some cafe and invite her to join you. Be natural and if she reject you, just call the next girl. Is a number game, the more girls you call the better chance, you will get one girl to response.

How can you tell if a girl likes you especially when she gives you her Skype but not her phone number?

Maybe because of her parents? Skype is on her computer. Phone is in the house and anybody can pick up the phone.

When a girl gives a guy her number will he call They always exchange glances and smile at each other and they've only spoken once but they had a really good conversation.?

Answer The only person who knows if he will call or not is the guy she gave her phone number to. Most men do contact women who hand out their phone numbers to, but some guys are really shy and it takes them forever to get out of that rut they are in and pick up the phone.

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Yes but her friends may call her israel to pick her

Why woman ask my phone number but don't call or text?

So they can avoid you and not pick up your call when they see your number.

How do i call a girl i really like?

Pick up a phone and dial her number. It shows her that you have the courage to call her. It lets her know that you are interested. And you can start off with something neutral about a school assignment or something dumb that happened that day.

How should a girl call a guy she met at camp. He told her to call him.?

first pick up phone...second dial number....third say may i speak w/....and /or leave a breif msgd...hey its...from me back...leave ur number. member only wait so long.....

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You set the fax machine to automatically pick up the call after a number of rings. If you want to answer the call with the phone, then you would pick up the receiver to answer it.

How can you call your future wife?

Pick up the telephone and dial her number.

How do you call someone on a cellphone?

Pick up the cellphone open it up dial the number you want to call and press call!

How do you call a high school freshman girl for a date?

to call a high school freshman girl for a date, you must first get her number. then you must pick up a phone, dial the number and say "Hey, what are you doing this Friday night?" or "Hey, you wanna catch a movie with me on Saturday?" this is coming from a you can trust it. honestly, all we want is for you to tell us how you feel and come right out and say what you want.

You get an 8 digit call on your phone and when you pick up there is static. can you trace the number?
