".com" is a commercial Internet Top Level Domain (TLD). This is an open TLD, meaning that any person or entity is permitted to register.".gov" is a U.S. government TLD. This TLD is limited to U.S. governmental entities and agencies (mostly federal).
There is no TLD assigned to Kosovo yet.
Its TLD - Top Level Domain.
The acronym TLD stands for the words Top Level Domain. TLD's are at the highest level of the Domain Name System on the the internet. They are sometimes referred to mistakenly as Internet extensions.
On the internet a .com domain name, a top level domain (TLD) usually denotes a commercial website. While this analogy is not perfect , most all commercial web sites should use this TLD, but in certain cases, such as the .com TLD is not available, A TLD such as .net, or .biz can be selected for the commercial web site's domain DNS. The TLD .com can be used by a someone for other purposes, but it does help distinguish commercial websites from non commercial websites.
TLD = Top-Level DomainIn a URL, the part right after the protocol (usually http or https) is the host name: for example, wiki.answers.com. The last part of that is the top-level domain, in this case .com.If the TLD has only two letters, it is a country code TLD, or ccTLD, such as .fr for France, .au for Australia, .in for India, or .za for South Africa.
Top-Level Domain
dot ru = Russia. The TLD (top level domain) for the country of Russia is ".ru"
Yes you can use http://dot.tk
Dot CN was a CCdomain (country code) and was indexed as a local domain in the search engines. Now that it was categorized as TLD, it will be indexed as a globaldomain.
No, Not at all. This is just website of BBC with TLD co.uk