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Sp[[Q/Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix|Answer]]ell chec[[Q/Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix&action=edit&section=new|Answer it!]]k your answe[[Q/Discuss:Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix|Disc]][[help/answering questions|guidelin]]Spell check your answeresussionr[[help/signing in|full benefits]] Save C[[Q/Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix|Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 ]][[Q/Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix&action=edit&section=new|Answering 'Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix?']]matrix?ancel[[Q/How many animals are in West Texas|How many animals are in West Texas?]][[Q/How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a Service workshop|How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a]][[Q/How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a Service workshop|How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a Service workshop?]] Service workshop?[[Q/How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a Service workshop|How do you increase the number of four wheelers vehicles for servicing in a Service workshop?]]More Q&A

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Q: Write a 8085 microprocessor program to find A inverse and A transpose if A is a 3x3 matrix?
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What is an orthogonal matrix?

A matrix A is orthogonal if itstranspose is equal to it inverse. So AT is the transpose of A and A-1 is the inverse. We have AT=A-1 So we have : AAT= I, the identity matrix Since it is MUCH easier to find a transpose than an inverse, these matrices are easy to compute with. Furthermore, rotation matrices are orthogonal. The inverse of an orthogonal matrix is also orthogonal which can be easily proved directly from the definition.

Is it true that the transpose of the transpose of a matrix is the original matrix?

yes, it is true that the transpose of the transpose of a matrix is the original matrix

What is the definition of unitary matrix?

It is the conjugate transpose of the matrix. Of course the conjugate parts only matters with complex entries. So here is a definition:A unitary matrix is a square matrix U whose entries are complex numbers and whose inverse is equal to its conjugate transpose U*. This means thatU*U = UU* = I. Where I is the identity matrix.

What is the definition of transpose in regards to a matrix?

The Transpose of a MatrixThe matrix of order n x m obtained by interchanging the rows and columns of the m X n matrix, A, is called the transpose of A and is denoted by A' or AT.

What is a symmetric matrix?

a square matrix that is equal to its transpose

What is transpose of the sparse matrix?

Another sparse matrix.

How do you write a java program to find the transpose of the matrix for the given elements?

You basically write a nested for loop (one for within another one), to copy the elements of the matrix to a new matrix.

What is matrix programming in C programming?

C Examples on Matrix OperationsA matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or symbols arranged in rows and columns. The following section contains a list of C programs which perform the operations of Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication on the 2 matrices. The section also deals with evaluating the transpose of a given matrix. The transpose of a matrix is the interchange of rows and columns.The section also has programs on finding the trace of 2 matrices, calculating the sum and difference of two matrices. It also has a C program which is used to perform multiplication of a matrix using recursion.C Program to Calculate the Addition or Subtraction & Trace of 2 MatricesC Program to Find the Transpose of a given MatrixC Program to Compute the Product of Two MatricesC Program to Calculate the Sum & Difference of the MatricesC Program to Perform Matrix Multiplication using Recursion

How do you find transportation of matrix?

Invert rows and columns to get the transpose of a matrix

What is leontief inverse matrix?

(I-A)-1 is the Leontief inverse matrix of matrix A (nxn; non-singular).

What is the meaning of transpose?

The transpose of a matrix A is the matrix B that is obtained by swapping the rows and columns of A into the columns and rows of B. In algebraic form, if A = {aij} then B = {aji} is its transpose, where 1 ≤ i ≤ n and 1 ≤ j ≤ m.

What is an adjoint matrix?

The classical adjoint of a square matrix A the transpose of the matrix who (i, j) entry is the a i j cofactor.