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Most PC's use to run off of DOS. In DOS, command lines were used for everything that you did. Anyone that has used DOS will recognize the C:\> line. That is how most commands began. When Windows was introduced, a command did not have to be typed out for each and every thing. Instead, there would be icons on the desktop. When the icon was clicked on, the file would open into a new screen. This process was known as "opening a window".

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Q: Why did Bill Gates select the name Windows for his product?
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Why did Bill Gates select the name Windows?

he saw it as a window to the future

Is windows the main product of Microsoft?

maybe, go ask bill gates.

Who started Windows?

do you mean M.S. Windows? If so its Bill Gates

What operating system did bill gates develop?

bill gates made windows

What product does bill gates make?

Bill Gates makes software that operate within computers. The software is known as Windows and includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access.

Did Bill Gates help in the making of Windows 7?

No. Bill Gates has not actively developed software since circa 1989, and has not supervised any product releases since around 2008.

What does bill gates do in the US economy?

Bill Gates is the founder of windows Microsoft

What software made by bill gates rich?

Bill Gates created Microsoft for Windows.

How old was Bill Gates when Windows was first released?

Bill Gates was 30 years old when Windows 1.0 was first released.

What computer software company did bill gates invent?

Bill Gates invented Microsoft windows.

Did Bill Gates experience any failures?

Several of Bill Gates' operating systems were partial or complete failures. These included Windows 2.0, Windows 3.11, Windows Millennium, and Windows Vista.

Who originally invented windows?

Bill Gates