bill gates sells use of Microsoft to others (ordinary people)
Bill Gates im pretty sure bill gates doesn't sell weed......and who ask that question on a forum for serious questions?!
Bill Gates made a deeal with IBM to license the DOS (disk oprerating system) on every computer IBM. IBM thought that the money was in the hardware. But as profit margins fell on the hardware it turned out that Gates made the right choice. Pretty soon he had the rights to sell the operating system on every IBM compatible computer.
As seen on "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?", Bill Gates was 13 years old when he started programming computers
January 1975
i am pretty sure its a yes.
Noone. He didn't sell it he stepped down as chief executive officer .
because it would make him seem nicer to the pubic, so he could sell more.
from bill gates or a place were they sell expensive stuff because either one would probally be good
Take it off and then sell it for a billion dollars. Then if you have more give it to the poor and let them get rich. This is how Bill Gates got rich. He didn't invent microsoft, Aaron Dosanjh and Gurasish Singh did. We are rich, we felt bad for Bill Gates.
actually there are made in the Moon where aliens beam them down to bill gates house and then he gives them to companies who then sell them