Basically it referrers to their liability in a law suit, you can't sue them for more than they are worth.
Ltd are public and pty ltd are private
LTD is pretty much only used for limited liability companies. For example, Lucasfilm Ltd.
There are at least two MNC companies in Pithampur. They are Medi-Caps Ltd, and Shakti Pumps India, Ltd.
reliance is private or publice ltd co?
Essar steel ltd. tata steel ltd. Steel authority of india ltd.
There are at least two MNC companies in Pithampur. They are Medi-Caps Ltd, and Shakti Pumps India, Ltd.
That sort of decision is always a matter of personal judgement. have you researched both companies? I trust they are both companies with good recoprds.
J Communication Ltd
Use companies house at
Avalon is one of the largest companies publishing travel books. Whitecap Books Ltd. and Summersdale Publishers Ltd. are two others that publish this sort of material.
HyNEX Ltd and Optical interconnection