The best time to sell your stocks is when the economy in what ever country is going up, This is the time that people go to stocks markets and buy.
The best time to buy UTF stocks, like any stocks, is when the stock is low but just about to start rising. Check news sources for information that may lead to the rise and fall of a stock.
John Slatter has written: 'Safe investing' -- subject(s): Stocks, Investments, Bonds '100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, 1999' 'The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, 2001' 'The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy 2005' 'The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy 2008' 'Straight talk about stock investing' -- subject(s): Stocks, Investments 'Newspaper Russian' 'The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, 1998' 'The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, 2002' 'Straight talk about stock investing' -- subject(s): Stocks, Investments 'The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, 2006'
There are a few different stocks that are currently good investments, as of May 2013. Google is currently a very good stock to buy, as well as Microsoft.
The best type of slow earning, safe stocks to buy would be energy and untility stocks. These stocks inclue XOM (Exxon Mobile) and BHI. These stocks are safe because the demand for energy is huge and consistent.
Gold stocks are down, but now would be a great time to buy because the stocks are so cheap
With GM problems now is not a good time to buy GM stocks.
from this link the best site
Best buy started on 1986 and if you go to google finance or just type in best buy stocks in google search it will give you their timeline.
it is a dip
Advice can be found for good stocks to invest in on E-insure. This company specializes giving information about stocks, which to buy and which to sell at what time.
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