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It depends on what your after!

The Samsung tocco is 3G and larger!

The samsung tocco lite is smaller screen and 2G.

The samsung tocco has a keypad but is also touch screen whist the samsung tocco lite is completely touch screen apartt from the lock key, camera button, start/end call button and back button.

I've been told that the samsung tocco has a front camera for video calls wehars I KNOW that samsung tocco lite does not!

So it depends on what you're after...

Hope i helped you!

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The main difference is the texting the tocco can only text like a normal slide up phone when you have ABC DEF GHI JKLM NOPQ ....... But with the tocco lite you can turn the phone on its side and text with the QWERTY style KEYPAD and it can adapt to your handwriting so you can write a letter for ex: F and it will come up as F. and the camera on tocco is 5 megapixle and the tocco lite is only 3.2 megapixle and also tocco has 3G but tocco lite dusnt x

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βˆ™ 14y ago

hii i just got the sumsung tocco lite recently and it is such a brilliant phone much better than any phone trust me on this 1!!!! if you trust me then you will believe me hope i have been a great help.

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βˆ™ 15y ago


Firstly there are 3 different Tocco's I will copy the main differences on here

Tocco Tocco Lite & Tocco Ultra
COLOURS Pink Pink Red
Black Black Black
Sizes (big diff) 95.9 x 55 x 11.5 104 x 53 x 11.9 240 x 400
weight 93.5g 105g
Quad Band No Yes Yes
Display size 240x320 240x400 240x400
Display colour depth 256k 256k 16000k

Photo & Video Editing No Yes Yes
Internal Mem (MB) 228MB 50MB 80MB
Polyphonic Tunes No Yes Yes
Camera Type 5megapixels 3.2megapixels 8megapixels

Speakerphone No Yes Yes
Smartphone No Yes No
Voice Dialling No No No

Earphone Yes Yes No
USB Lead
Case Yes No No
CD Yes Yes Yes

3G Yes No Yes
USB Yes Yes Yes
Infrared No No No
WAP Yes Yes Yes
Fax/Data No No No
Bluetooth Yes Yes Yes
GPRS Yes Yes Yes

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Yes both of the phone are great but it depend on what you want from a phone!!!

The touchscreens are the same size!!!

The camera is 5mp on the Samsung f480 and the camera on the Tocco Lite is only 3.2 mp

The software is older on the f480 and newer on the Tocco Lite

The Tocco lite has a qwerty keyboard the f480 doesn't

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