From day one, Gates dreamed of having a personal computer in every home, in every business and in every school. Throughout his career, he never once wavered from this dream. Focusing on software as the means to popularize the PC, Gates built his empire around this central vision and steered clear of all other distractions. And, the vision continues today.
bill gates bill gates bill gates bill gates bill gates bill gates
Bill gates he's the second richest person in the world (2010)
In 2007 Bill Gates was the richest person in the world
Bill Gates is the person who founded Microsoft along side Paul Allen.
Well, Bill Gates does not live in England so the answer would be no.
Bill Gates
Bill Gates?
Bill Gates.
bill gates
Bill Gates. He is continuously 1st or 2nd richest person on the world.
Yes, that is how Bill Gates was able to afored his education and become the best person on earth.