Morningstar Farms does not have a ticker symbol of its own but the company that owns the brand does. Morningstar Farms is owned by the Kellogg Company which is traded under the symbol K on the New York Stock Exchange.
The ticker symbol for Palm Inc is PALM and it is traded on the NASDAQ.
The ticker symbol for StemCells Inc. is STEM and it is traded on the NASDAQ.
Zenimax Media Inc. does not have a public ticker symbol, as it is privately traded.
There is no ticker symbol, Cargill is a private company.
The ticker symbol for Journey's is GCO, which is Genesco, Inc.
The ticker symbol for Blackrock Inc. is BLK and it trades on the New York Stock Exchange.
KAR is the ticker symbol for Adesa Inc. Adesa Inc. is a wholesale vehicle dealer located in Carmel, Indiana.
The ticker symbol for TiVo, Inc. is TIVO and it is traded on the Nasdaq.
The ticker symbol for eBay Inc. is EBAY and it is traded on the Nasdaq.
My Little Pony does not have a ticker symbol for itself. The ticker symbol that it is under is HAS for the company Hasbro, Inc. is a website owned by Expedia, Inc. The ticker symbol for Expedia, Inc. is EXPE and is traded on the NASDAQ.