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Q: What is the relation between 8086 processor frequency and crystal frequency?
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Difference between system tick and processor clock?

Based on the Crystal used in the circuit, and the divisor selection, the processor clock frequency is obtained the tick time is the min clock cycles required to do a nop operation

The speed at which at processor operates internally is called what?

There are a number of terms relating to processor speed. The most common frequency is simply the clock frequency. There are others such as a PLL frequency that can be used to multiply the clock frequency and instruction cycle frequency that is usually lower than the basic clock frequency. In all cases, the processor data sheet or the mother board data sheet will identify the name of the frequencies to which it refers.

What is the difference between crystal and local oscillator?

oscillator frequency is different.crystal working piezo electric effect

Differetiate between LC oscillators and crystal controlled oscillators?

LC oscillators use inductors and capacitors to generate a frequency, while crystal controlled oscillators use a quartz crystal to establish the frequency. LC oscillators can be less stable and accurate compared to crystal controlled oscillators, which offer better precision and stability. Crystal controlled oscillators are commonly used in applications where precise frequency control is essential.

Give the clock out frequency and state time T of 8085 when the crystal frequencies is 5MHz?

The clock out frequency of an 8085 is one half the crystal frequency. The period of one T cycle is the inverse of the clock frequency. At a crystal frequency of 5MHz, the clock is 2.5MHz, and T is 400 ns.

Specify the crystal frequency required for an 8085 system to operate at 1.1mhz?

The crystal frquency in an 8085 system is twice the desired clock frequency, so a crystal of 2.2 MHz is required to operate at 1.1 MHz.Note: Clock frequency is not the same as instructions per second, because the instructions in an 8085 take a variable number of clock cycles, between 4 and 18, to execute.

What processor used in watches?

It depends on the complexity and functions of the watch.A basic quartz timebased watch only requires dividercircuits, to generate the 1 Hz pulse from the high frequency crystal oscillator.

How rapidly does Quartz vibrate?

Quartz vibrates when a voltage is applied between opposite faces of a crystal. The frequency of the vibration depends on the thickness of the crystal, and on the direction of the faces compared to the natural planes in the crystal structure.

How do you find the natural frequency of crystal glass?

The natural frequency of a crystal glass can be determined by tapping it gently and listening to the pitch of the sound produced. The frequency of this sound is the natural frequency of the crystal glass. Alternatively, you can also use a frequency analyzer to measure the natural frequency more accurately.

Which component of an AM transmitter generates the carrier frequency?

The oscillator circuit, which is usually quartz crystal controlled with the quartz crystal in a temperature regulated oven to stabilize its resonant frequency.

The processor relies on a small quartz crystal circuit called?

system clock

What is a pulse rate of a clock measured in?

frequency of an oscillator crystal