Penalties for violating restrictions can vary depending on the specific restriction and jurisdiction. Common penalties can include fines, license suspension, or legal action, such as a lawsuit or criminal charges. It's important to follow restrictions to avoid facing potential consequences.
common sense TRUE
Death penalty is imposed
There is a fee penalty but nothing else. They will allow you to change your license when you get around to it.
Penalty for forging a NJ License is $150,000 fine or up to 10 years in prison
you get fined and lose license
The penalty for driving without a license in Delaware you will most likely be facing consequences such as fines, court costs and a mandatory drivers license suspension. If your license is suspended and you are caught driving you can face jail time.
death penalty
It is important to have a license before driving a motorcycle. The penalty for driving a motorcycle without a license can be a fine to pay or a few hours in jail.
2 Demerit Points and fine. Average $110.
Suspension of your license.