The organization chart for apple would have been set up for the best efficiency. Everyone would have their own part to play.
Apple has a flat organizational structure
wost iphone 6 ever they made it wrong and missed their some properties in it.
Apple Inc, Microsoft, IBM, CISCO
The population of Apple Inc. is 2,011.
The population of Apple Inc. is 60,400.
Yes. Apple Japan, Inc. is one of them.
The symbol for Apple Inc. in NASDAQ is: AAPL.
Apple Inc. Microcomputer design and manufacturing company, the firstsuccessful personal-computer company. ... See also: Detailed Chart | Financials |Filings ...
Apple Inc. was incorporated January 3, 1977. The company was previously named Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Computer, Inc.
Macintosh is the product. The company is called Apple Inc. Apple Inc. Headquarters is at: 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, California