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Fraud is nearly impossible

Assure absolute secrecy

Do away with the need for numerous officials to count ballots

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Q: What is the advantage for the use of voting machines?
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What are the advantage of the electronic voting machines?

The biggest disadvantage of electronic voting machines is the risk of security breach since it could be hacked by outsiders. There are many advantages including convenience, it is quick, and easy to use.

What advantage did voting machines have over paper ballots?

They are much faster and more accurate.

What advantage did voting machines have over the paper ballots?

They are much faster and more accurate.

Which advantage did voting machines have over the old system of castings paper ballots used in the 1800s?

reduced fraud

What is the machine we used to vote?

A voting machine is a machine used to record votes in an election without paper. There are different types of voting machines, such as: Mechanical voting machines: These use levers, dials, balls, buttons, or tokens to record votes mechanically. Optical scanning machines: These use a scanner to read marks on paper ballots and record votes electronically. Direct-recording electronic (DRE) machines: These use a touch screen or a keypad to record votes directly into a computer memory.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of electronic voting machines?

The biggest disadvantage of electronic voting machines is the risk of security breach since it could be hacked by outsiders. There are many advantages including convenience, it is quick, and easy to use.

What do the cardinals use to elect the new pope?

They use a paper ballot and a pen. No modern voting machines are used.

What is the advantage of purchasing a gaggia espresso machine?

Gaggia espresso machines are advantageous because you can use either grounds or pods in them. This is a great advantage of Breville espresso machines.

What is the use of electronic voting machines?

Electronic voting machines are used for voting, just as mechanical voting machines and paper ballots are. Because they are electronic they facilitate the rapid counting of the vote, and may even transmit their totals to a central Election Commission location without human intervention. If adequately secured and programmed, they may make vote tampering more difficult, but they cannot eliminate the possibility of tampering.

What do the college of cardinals use to elect a pope?

The cardinals use paper ballots to elect a pope. There are no voting machines used.

What is the most two common voting machines?

your mom and dad

Where were the Electronic Voting Machines first time used?
