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Q: What is some of the stuff Microsoft made?
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Is Microsoft Windows made by IBM?

No. It is made by Microsoft.

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Yes.Bill Gates made Microsoft. He is the creator of Microsoft.

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cotton and some other stuff

Are you made of meat?

Only some of me. (organs and stuff)

How is sushi made?

They take sushi...... and give it to the person eating it.....with chopsticks

How old is Microsoft?

Microsoft was made in 1976

Is M.C.S.E. based on dot-net?

No. It is not based on dot-net. But it's a Microsoft Certicification, so one must know Microsoft's stuff, .Net is just one of the need to know stuff.

Who made the Internet browser?

It is a Browser for Windows Computers by Microsoft.

What company made Microsoft Word?

Microsoft Corporation.

How was food invented?

some stuff was mixed together and made food like it made butter