Most retail Microsoft products (Windows 7, Office applications, Xbox, computers, software, PC gaming, accessories, Windows Phones, Answer Desk services, college student discounts, small business promotions, developer software) - Check out the website and chat with an online rep or call a phone consultant with any questions.
yes, minecraft / mojang was sold to microsoft
Microsoft Office 2007 applications are sold in any computer store that sells Microsoft Windows computers and related software. They do not come standard with Windows computers.
Microsoft Store was created on 2009-10-22.
No. Microsoft Word is sold separately.
No. Microsoft Excel is sold as a separate product.
No, Microsoft Office is a program sold separately.
Details on games that are sold at the Xbox store are available at the Microsoft Store, MSEEA online store and the Games section of the Xbox Marketplace. In order to access some parts of the game portal an account is necessary.
No, because he is still the chairman of Microsoft and will keep the microsft company and he is going to be the co. manager of Microsoft.
kerosene was first sold in ration store
if you are talking about "Microsoft Apps" they might be avalable in the Apple App Store
Microsoft purchased Mojang and Minecraft on the 15th of September, 2014, for $2.5bn US.
Microsoft didn't go public until 1986 -- there was no stock sold in 1980.