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Q: What is one function of the bootstrap program during the router boot process?
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How could a system be designed to allow a choice of operating system to boot from. what would the bootstrap program need to do?

On most computer systems, a small piece of code known as the bootstrap program or bootstrap loader locates the kernel loads it into main memory and startsits execution. Some computer systems, such as PCs, use a two-step process in which a simple bootstrap loader fetches a more complex boot program from disk, which in turn loads the kernel. The bootstrap program can perform a variety of tasks. Usually, one task is to run diagnostics to determine with the booting steps. It can also initialize all aspects of the system, from CPU registers to device controllers and the contents of main memory. Sooner or later, it starts the operating system.

Is bootstrap a mobile app?

Although a bootstrap program helps the computer to run a series of commands during the loading of the operating system, in today' digital ecosystem it is one of the popular open source toolkits. The program provides a framework to develop mobile first responsive front-end components on the web or mobile apps by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

How do you restore back your operating system if it written on by another operating system?

Answer: Do you mean you want to restore an OS which was overwritten by another? You can't. Once all of the important files have been overwritten, there's nothing much you can do except reinstall the original operating system from scratch.Answer: A typical hard disk can only have one partition set to be the active boot partition, even though there may be boot programs on more than one partition.Sometimes during installation of an OS, the boot location is changed to the new partition/OS bootstrap program. This leaves the previous partition/OS bootstrap program inaccessible. This may be corrected by configuring a Dual-boot option in the new bootstrap program to reach both OS.You may be able to alter the active boot partition to reach the original bootstrap program, and add a dual-boot option to the original bootstrap program to reach both OS. I can recommend using the free/open software gPartEd to change this boot partition and SuperGrub to modify a GNU/Linux boot program.

Which loader that can modify the relocation address of the program during the process of loading a program?

relocation loader

Why do you need to use bootstrap What is the advantage and disadvantage of using bootstrap?

Without a bootstrap it would be impossible to boot a computer system but that's not really an advantage, it's a fundamental aspect of any computer system. The term "bootstrap" derives from the phrase: "to lift oneself up by one's own bootstraps". This is clearly an impossibility, not unlike standing in a carrier bag and then trying to lift the bag with you still in it; it can't be done. However, as we'll see, it is an apt phrase when it comes to initialising a computer system and provides the origin of terminology such as "boot process" and "bootup". On any computer system, most software is loaded and executed by other software that has previously been loaded and executed. For instance, the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) performs some essential checks upon the system hardware before loading and executing the boot loader which loads and executes a chosen (or default) operating system, at which point the user can logon and subsequently load and execute their own choice of programs. But given that we require a program or operating system in order to load and execute other programs, this presents us with a paradox during initial bootup. How does the very first program load and execute if there is no program present to load and execute it? The answer lies in the bootstrap. The bootstrap is a machine-code program that is permanently written to a read-only memory chip (ROM). Being read-only, the bootstrap cannot be changed other than by replacing the chip itself. Unlike programs stored in RAM (Random Access Memory), ROM programs do not require power to maintain state. Thus when power is restored to the system, the bootstrap is already in memory and can be executed automatically, at which point the bootstrap takes control of the system. Typically, a bootstrap will simply locate, load and execute the system's BIOS program which takes care of the POST (Power-On Self-Test) and prepares the system to load and execute the boot loader which takes care of the bulk of the boot process until the system is ready to load and execute an operating system, at which point the system has effectively lifted itself up by its own bootstraps.

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Practice mindfulness during pregnancy and enjoy the process

Should you start the BIOS program during windows load process?

doesnt matter it will start anyway

Which is not an evaluator responsibility during the performance evaluation process?

Setting goals for the employee.

Where does c language program begin execution?

The execution of the program starts with function main, wherever it is in the source.

Why c program starts from main?

The c program starts with 'main' function because it's compiler is designed that way. so during the compile time, the compiler looks for main function and through that it binds all the other user defined functions.

How do you write a function in Turbo C that can run the program without rerunning the whole program?

The execution path of a program can only be affected by the program input. That is, if you change the input, you can alter the way the program behaves (just as changing the arguments to a function can alter the behaviour of the function). Typically you will alter the input via the command line, but you can also alter the input at any time during program execution. Redirecting input via the command line can be achieved by extracting the input from a file (via std::cin) or by implementing command line switches in your main function, or through a combination of the two.

What function calculates the budget on Excel?

The SUM function would be used to total up the figures for the budget, but other functions might be used too during the process.