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Jump on Carry is simply a "JUMP" instruction which will transfer the control to some specific location if carry flag is set.

For Example:

JC 2004H

This instruction will take the control to address location 2004H if carry flag is set.

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Q: What is jump on carry in 8085?
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Why increment INR instruction in 8085 does not affect carry flag?

INR affect the carry flag.

How many bytes are there for jump instruction in 8085?

There are 74 instructions in the 8085 microprocessor.

What are the various flags used in 8085?

there are 5 flags of intel 8085 are: Carry flag(CY), parity flag(P), Auxiliary Carry flag(AC), Zero Flag(Z), Sign flag(S).

What is RAL in a microprocessor 8085?

RAL rotates the content of accumulator Left from Carry

If the 8085 add 89h and 79h specify the contents of the accumulator?

In the 8085, if the accumulator starts as 00H, then adding 89H and 79H to it results in a value of 02H with CARRY set.

What is the purpose of adc instriction in 8085 microprocessor?

adc means addtion with carry Ex:ADC r (A)<---(A)+(r)+cy(Carry of previous addition)

Why is the jump instruction jmp of 8085 microprocessor given the immediate addressing mode?

because the operand is available in the instruction itself

What is the use of AC Flag in 8085?

The Auxiliary Carry (AC) flag in the 8085 indicates a carry out of the low order 4 bits of an operation, more specifically that the low order 4 bits are greater than 9 (10012). The AC flag can thus be used to facilitate decimal arithmetic.