8085 is a microprocessor designed by Intel
The '8085' in the 8085 microprocessor is the designation given to the microprocessor by Intel. The '5' means it is a single power supply (5 volt) version of the 8080, with enhancements.
+5v necessary for microprocessor 8085.
8085 is a 8 bit microprocessor designed by Intel Co.
crystal is a oscilltor in microprocessor
The 8085 is not pipelined.
program to find prime number in 8085 microprocessor
+5v supply is alone needed for Intel 8085 Microprocessor
HL is a register pair used to store 16 bit of data in 8085 microprocessor.
There are 74 instructions in the 8085 microprocessor.
03ABH in the 8085 is ... INX B XRA E
Intel 8085 is a microprocessor that is used in various electronics devices.