Push instruction pushes two byte of data on the top of the stack.
Processor status word ( PSW ) in the case of 8085 refers to the collection of the values of the flag register and accumulator. It is used with the command push: PUSH PSW With this command, the proccessor saves the value of accumulator (A) and the values of the flag bits to the stack.
; Exact answer: LXI H, FFFFH push H POP PSW
Block transfer in 8085... PUSH FLAGS {optional, if registers need to be saved} PUSH B PUSH D PUSH H LXI H,COUNT LXI B,SOURCE LXI D,DESTINATION LOOP LDAX B STAX D INX B INX D DCX H MOV A,H ORA L JNZ LOOP POP H {optional, if registers need to be saved} POP D POP B POP FLAGS
The muscles contract which in turn push the baby out.
nothing if you push them apart you find something
Pray Until Something Happens
It creates a mountain
To reset the pending RST 7.5 instruction in the 8085, you need to execute a SIM instruction with a particular value in the accumulator. PUSH FLAGS MVI A,10H SIM POP FLAGS Of course the PUSH and POP are optional, if you don't need to preserve the value of the accumulator.
You will want to push, the body tells you to. It's harder not to push. Also if it takes too long it can get dangerous and end with a c-section.