Beats me!
Beats me...
It means you are coming off the beats. Eg: canter has three beats off the pace has four beats.
Beats me...
Do you mean type advantages?Well if you mean type advantages,then Fire beats Grass,Ice & Bug;Water beats Fire,Ground & Rock;Electric beats Water & Flying;Grass beats Water,Ground & Rock;Ice beats Grass,Ground,Flying & Dragon;Fighting beats Normal,Ice,Rock,Dark & Steel;Poison beats Grass;Ground beats Fire,Electric,Poison,Rock & Steel;Flying beats Grass,Fighting & Bug;Psychic beats Fighting & Poison;Bug beats Grass,Psychic & Dark;Rock beats Fire,Ice,Flying & Bug:Ghost beats Psychic & Ghost;Dragon beats Dragon;Dark beats Psychic & Ghost;& Steel beats Ice & Rock.Finally!Hope that helps!
Better than- in someone's opinion.
the gut who beats up Chinese wangsters
an organization of strong and weak beats
If you mean the vegetable "beets", yes.
Private Investigator or Private I
Private is the lowest rank in the Army
3 beats in a bar in a waltz