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limited trading Company

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Q: What does LTD stand for in a company name?
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What is the difference between India Ltd and India Pvt Ltd?

It is not mandatory to name the company with "India Ltd" or "India Pvt Ltd. If the company is a Public Limited Company (i.e. the shares of the company is listed with any of the Stock exchanges in India), the Company's name shall end with "Ltd or Limited". If the shares are not listed and privately held, the company name shall end with "Pvt Ltd or Private Limited". Some companies while naming their company for their own reasons add "India" to their company name.

What does NOCZ stand for?

NOCZ stands for National Oil Company of Zimbabwe Ltd.

Why industries in India named as India ltd?

It is not mandatory to name the company with "India Ltd". If the company is a Public Limited Company (i.e. the shares of the company is listed with any of the Stock exchanges in India), the Company's name shall end with "Ltd or Limited". Some companies while naming their company for their own reasons add "India" to their company name.

What is the abbr of company?

Co. is the usual abbreviation.Also, Ltd. and LLC stand for 'Limited Liability Company.'Inc. stands for 'Incorporated.'

Suggest a good name for a your new construction company?

When thinking of a name for your new construction company, you can use a play on words having to do with construction or building. Typically, a short name that is easily remembered is best for a company.

What does ltd mean in a company name in the us?

Limited Partnership.

What is meant by ltd at the end of company name?

It means limited

Name of the company who discovered tally?

Peutronics Pvt. Ltd

What does LTD mean after a company name?

LTD stands for "Limited." It is a legal designation used after a company name in countries such as the UK, Canada, and Australia. It indicates that the company has limited liability, meaning that the owners or shareholders are not personally liable for the company's debts or obligations.

Is cavinkare a private ltd or public ltd company?

it is an private Ltd company

Any company name sansar petrochemicals ltd in raipur chhattishgarh?

sansar poetrochemicals ltd in raipur is it really there

Is McDonald's a ltd?

Yes. The full name of the company is "McDonald's Restaurants of (insert country) Ltd." For example, "McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Ltd."