One company that has a purple peace sign as a logo is Craigslist. Craigslist started in 1995 and covers over 50 countries.
Mercedes logo, maybe
The earliest sign or logo for the John Deere company was created in the year 1876. The logo of the company was a leaping deer bounding over a log. This trademark was registered in 1876.
Target ;)
The upside down peace symbol is used as a logo for infamous "hard core" band Trash Talk.
Because its there logo... Prehaps they wanted a bite!
Peace lilies have flowers that are white and during their lives they turn a greenish colour and after another couple of days they turn brown, which is the sign of wilting. A peace lily is not pink or purple, its real colour is white. If you mean just lilies and not only peace lilies, well, of course they can be pink or purple!
The company founder's astrological sign was the bull, and he was very impressed with bullfighting, he chose the bull as the logo for his company. The bull represents strength and stamina.
Originally, in the 1950's the peace sign was the logo for the British campaign for nuclear disarmament. United States anti war activist later adopted the peace symbol.
The company that manufactures the brand is named apple. Its a marketing logo.
Accenture * * * * * No, The Accenture logo does not have a "less than" sign.