sweat shop is a factory that has poor working conditions, unfair pay, and generally employs children. Some companies have been accused of using sweatshops such as Nike although they claim to have improved working conditions according to federal regulations. There is no real accuracy in the information available because no company admits to using sweatshops, and some companies may not be aware. It has been good practice of companies to correct the issues that arise relating to the use of sweatshops.
Unofficial sweatshops have been around for quite a while. Most of the established official sweatshops have only been around since the mid 1900s.
well 2 have been caught in Calfornia alone in just this week!
In 2010 the tobacco company Phillip Morris admitted to using child exploitation in its labor jobs. Victoria's Secret was also caught exploiting children to pick cotton and other jobs. Hershey's has also been caught exploiting children who harvest their cocoa.
Some companies that have been known to use sweatshops in the past include Nike, H&M, Gap, Walmart, and Apple. Sweatshops are often associated with low-cost mass production in developing countries where workers are paid low wages and face poor working conditions.
I know that Chris Andersen was caught for steroids.
Sweatshops are everywhere, according to Dr Stacey Murdoch, a sweatshop expert from Des Moine. Her excellent essay, "Sweatshops in Des Moine", is available from a number of bookstores, and it's tremendous value too, having been printed in a sweatshop - in Des Moine.
Riccardo ricco if you type his name on to google it will come up as him using epo he was an italian cycilst who got caught using drugs in the toure de france
Many clothing brands have been accused of using sweatshops to produce their merchandise, leading to calls for more ethical supply chain practices.
By whom has the thief been caught?
They aren't illegal. I own 3 sweatshops that employ Vietnamese toddlers. They're great workers. If you have any I can buy, call 419-734-6571 and ask for Dave. I am an avid KKK member and a member of the BBB.
Been Caught Buttering was created in 1991.