VHDL is a hardware description language. It describes the functionality of a hardware as a program. If we know the architecture of 8085, the same can be implemented or coded using VHDL.
A program which is used to count the number of numbers in an array using a 8085 microprocessor is known as a assembly language program.
sample program in sum of the series using the formula for s=n/2[2a+{n-1}d] in 8085
TRAP is a non maskable interrupt pin in 8085.....it has the highest priority out of all the interrupts...it is used in emergency n critical states..ex.during power loss etc.
8085 is a microprocessor designed by Intel
We can implement "Divided by '2' " operation by using RRC.
we can measure the water level
The 8085 was replaced with the 8086/8088. As such, there is no 16 bit version of the 8085.
The 8085 has a single +5V power supplyThe 8085 has a multiplexed low order address busThe 8085 has extra single pin interrupts, TRAP, RST7.5, RST6.5, and RST5.5The 8085 has serial I/O pins SID and SODThe 8085 has maskable interrupts and the RIM/SIM instructionThe 8085 includes the functionality of the 8224 clock genereator and 8228 system controllerThe 8085 added several 16 bit operations
The 8085 was introduced by Intel in 1977.
The 8085 is not pipelined.
The '8085' in the 8085 microprocessor is the designation given to the microprocessor by Intel. The '5' means it is a single power supply (5 volt) version of the 8080, with enhancements.