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Q: Is there a way to get twixtor or something similar for iMovie?
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How do you update imovie 09 to imovie 11?

When you download the latest version of iMovie to your Mac, it comes with previous versions. There is no possible way to update it. It is possible to get the latest iMovie in the iLife package or available for Purchase on the Mac App Store. Hope this helps.. :)

How do you reopen a past project on iMovie and edit it again?

Once you open Imovie it should be right there just click on it. If not you might have deleted it. There is no way to get it back

Can you run iMovie on a windows computer?

Yes, you can. But not for free. You have to buy something first (thats what people say) and then you can download it so it will work. I'm stuck with windows movie maker. Most confusing stuff ever. I do NOT recommend WMM, please don't get it. Best of luck with everything. <3

Does the words mundane and mandate have similar or contradictory meaning?

mundane is something that is time consuming and boring... mandate means it's something that you have to do. So I guess in a way they can be similar.

Is there a way to email a imovie video without sharing it?

Yes, you can. Just email the file (if the size is small enough) and have the recipient download that file and open it up in their iMovie software. Otherwise, you need to share it.

Is there a way to use MOIs and MODs in imovie HD?

The MOI,MOD files will need to be converted for use in iMovie (hd). Click on the link (in Related Links below) to access Mac Conversion site.

Is there a way to speed up iTunes music on iMovie?

Visit the URL posted below (copy and paste it into your address bar). It is a video Tutorial about how to speed up video/audio in iMovie.

What is the definition to mask?

To mask something means to cover it up, in a way that is similar to putting a mask on.

What is the definition of the word quasi?

The definition of the word 'quasi' is that of a term used in a similar manner, in a similar way or of similar characteristics. The term can also be used with the meaning of resembling something.

Is structure and identical similar?

Structure and identical are not similar. Structure refers to the way something is organized or built, while identical means exactly the same.

What part of speech is the word similarly?

"Similarly" is an adverb. It is used to indicate that something is done in a similar manner or way.

Is there a way to put your pic in celebrities pic?

You can use photoshop or something similar