Not hardly. Former American professional Basketball player, active businessman, and majority owner of the Charlotte Bobcats, Michael Jordan has an estimated net worth of $500 Million as of September 2010 according to Forbes Magazine's Billionaires In The Making. As of 2012, Bill Gates has an estimated net worth of $62 Billion; or about 124 times what Michael Jordan is worth.
Bill Gates Sportsman: I think A-Rod might be richer than Jordon but no way richer then Woods.
Both of them, but Bill Gates is richer than Steve Jobs
Bill Gates is richer.
Bill Gates
Oprah is a lot richer
bill gates
No. Bill Gates is reputed to have a net worth in excess of $53,000,000,000. The GBP of Nigeria is reputedly $245,229,000,000. Thus Nigeria is about five times richer than Bill Gates.
actually, no. The president is VERY rich, but not as rich as Bill Gates.
Lil wayne
Bill Gates by far, his networth is $61 Billion compared to Richard Branson's $4.2 :)
Bill Gates is by far twice as rich as the queen. And we must remember that Bill Gates made his money the hard way, and the queen just collects it from the goverment.
bill gates is the rischest man in the world. while Michael dell is the 25th richest man in the world.