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Intel named the 8085 after the 8080. The 5 means it runs on a single +5V power supply, as opposed to the 8080 which needed +5V, -5V, and +12V. The predecessors of the 8085 were the 8080, 8008, 4040, and 4004.

Intel named the 8086/8088 after the 8085. It was considered the logical continuation of the 8085 family, but as a true 16-bit processor. The 8086 is a 16-bit computer running on a 16-bit bus. The 8088 is the same 16-bit computer, but it runs on an 8-bit bus, and it was the heart of the first IBM PC.

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Q: How the Intel give number to their 8085 and 8086 microprocessor?
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What is the difference between the Intel 8085 and the Intel 8086?

The Intel 8085 is an 8 bit microprocessor created in 1977.The Intel 8086 is a 16 bit microprocessor created in 1978. The 8086 was the first chip to start the x86 architecture family.8085 contains 16-bit address bus and 8-bit data bus8086 contains 20-bit address bus and 16-bit data bus..In 8085 the clock speed is 3MHZwhere as in 8086 the clock speed is 5MHZ.there are two differences btw 8085&80861. 8086 has 6 byte queue but 8085 has 4 byte queue2. 8086 has 16 bit data bus where as 8085 has 8 bit data bus

How many bits in 8085 microprocessor?

The 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor. Even though there are some 16-bit registers (BC, DE, HL, SP, PC), with some 16-bit operations that can be performed on them, and a 16-bit address bus, the accumulator (A), the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and the data bus are 8-bits in size, making the 8085 an 8-bit computer.

Windows does not run on an Intel microprocessor?

Windows does run on an Intel processor. It just does not run on an 8085. It requires an 8086/8088 (Windows 3.1) or 80386 (Higher versions) to run.

Why the 16 bit 8085 microprocessor is not possible?

The 8085 was replaced with the 8086/8088. As such, there is no 16 bit version of the 8085.

What is the advantages and disadvantages of 8086 microprocessor?

the advantages of 8086 microprocessor over 8085A microprocessor is that 1)it is a 16 bit microprocessor 2)the disadvantages in 8085A microprocessor like low speed,limited number of registers,low memory addressing capability,less powerful instruction set have been overcome in 8086 registers

What has the author Yu-cheng Liu written?

Yu-cheng Liu has written: 'Microcomputer systems' -- subject(s): Intel 8086 (Microprocessor), Intel 8088 (Microprocessor), Intel 8086 (Microprocesseur), Mikroprozessor 8086, Microcomputers, Mikroprozessor 8088, Intel 8088 (Microprocesseur)

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Intel 8279 is a Keyboard/ Display interface which was basically developed for 8085/8086 microprocessors.l

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"The x86 architecture first appeared as the Intel 8086 CPU released in 1978, a fully 16-bit design based on the earlier Intel 8085. Although not binary compatible, it was designed to allow assembly language programs written for the 8085 to be mechanically translated into the equivalent 8086 assembly. " Here's the entire Article:

Can a program written in 8085 microprocessor run in 8086 microprocessor?

No. They have a different instruction set. However, the processors are sufficiently similar that an 8086 assembler could assemble an 8085 program, given appropriate constants and macros. Some things, however, such as RIM, SIM, RST, etc. do not have equivalents in the 8086.

Explain difference 8085 and 8086 in detail?

a number (1) because 8085+1=8086

Is Pentium 4 is Intel 8086 microprocessor?

No. The Pentium IV is not an Intel 8086. It is closer to the 80586.

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