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technology is used for everything. cavemen had to learn how to throw a rock before they did.

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Q: How many things is technology used for?
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How is technology used to help people with disorders?

Technology can be used for many things. Technology can help a weak person, such as if they were to wear a magnetic bracelet. This is scientifically proven. :)

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It's being used right now. You can look things up, connect with friends faster and easier, and do many of the daily needs on the internet, which is technology.

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What were some technology things that sumerians did?

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What did the Northwest coast use for technology?

The northwest Coast used spears, knives, pottery, wood, clothing, bark, baskets and many more things as technology. I hope you like my answer it is the best I've got for know.

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How is technology different from 50 years until now?

Technology is different because we did not discover how to make all sorts of things we have better not many new things have been invented but lots of things improved.