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It takes 23 address lines to address 8 mb of memory.

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It takes 11 bits to address 2048 locations in memory.

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Q: How many nuMBer of address lines required for 8 MB of memory?
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How many address lines are needed to access 256KB of main memory?

The number of address lines needed to access N-KB is given by log2N Then the number of address lines needed to access 256KB of main memory will be log2256000=18 address lines.

How many address lines and data lines are required for a2Kx8 memory?

A 2K X 8 memory requires 11 address lines and 8 data lines

How many no of address lines required in 1MB memory 111622 or 24?

How many no of address lines required in 1MB memory 11,16,22 or 24 u haven't specified correct options! 20 address lines will be required because 1 MB is 1024 KB that is 1024*1024 Byte which is equivalent to (2^10)^2 bytes if ur memory is Byte addressable then address lines required will be 20.

How many address lines are required if micro processor has to access 2kb memory?

2kb=2*1024=2048 2^11=2048 therefore 11 address lines are required

How many address lines and data lines are required for a 128k x 8 memory system?

17 address lines and 8 data lines. 2^17=128k

How many nuMBer of address lines required for 1 MB memory?

Firstly we need to convert Mb's into bits i.e 1Mb=1024x1024 = 210x210 =220 That means there are 220 memory locations and we will need 20 address lines.

How do you calculate number of address lines needeed for 1 MB?

20 address lines are required

How many address lines are required to address 64 kbytes of memory?

You need 12 address lines to access 4K of memory. 212 = 4096. log2 (4096) = 12.

How many address lines are necessary to address two megabytes of memory?

Let N be the number of addresses line 2 megabyte = 2*1024 =2048 N = log (size in bytes) /log 2 N= log 2048/log 2 N=11

How many memory address does this number of address lines allow the 8086 to access directly?

The 8086/8088 has 20 address lines. It can access 220, or 1MB, or 1,048,576 bytes of memory.

Minimum number of address lines needed to access a physical memory of 1GB?

You need 30 address lines to access 1G of memory. 230 = 1,073,741,824. log2 (1,073,741,824) = 30.

How many memory addresses does this number of address lines allow the 8086 to access directly?

The 8086/8088 has 20 address lines. It can access 220, or 1MB, or 1,048,576 bytes of memory.