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The number of instructions that can execute in one second in the 8086 microprocessor is highly dependent on clock speed, memory wait time, and instruction complexity mix, but the generally accepted performance factor is 0.33 MIPS (Million Instuctions per Second) at a clock speed of 4.77 MHz.

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Q: How many instructions execute in one second in 8086 microprocessor?
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The 8086 microprocessor has 40 pins.

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It is mightily referring to Microprocessor 8086 . I think you saw "8086 microprocessor". The 8086 is nothing it indicates the number of microprocessor same as Digital or analog ic's . 8086 microprocessor has 20 Address buses and 8 data buses which has 1 Mb inbuilt memory for performing several type of airthmatical and logical operation.

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What is the meaning of 8086 in microprocessor?

it is a 16 bit microprocessor & it has 40 pin .

What is the function of pin's1 and 20 in 8086 microprocessor?

Pins 1 and 20 in the 8086 microprocessor are (both) power and signal ground (GND).

What are applications of 8086 microprocessor?

8086 main application is to evaluate the arithmetic operations in any systems that uses 8086

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there are 74 instruction sets in the 8085 up which consist of 246 bit pattern.

Why 2 gnd are used in microprocessor 8086?

Two ground pins are used in the 8086 microprocessor to increase the bus pull-down current capacity.

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