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You need 20 bits of address bus to address 1 Mb of memory.

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13y ago
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13y ago

You need twenty bits of address bus to address 1024kb of memory.

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12y ago

36 bits

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14y ago

18 bits.

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Q: How many bits of address bus are required to address 1mb memory?
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It requires 6 bits to address 64 words. It does not matter what the word size is.

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That depends on the memory architecture of the system.if the memory chips are byte wide and not used to create a multibyte bus, 11 address bits are needed.if the memory chips are 32 bits wide, 9 address bits are needed (with the CPU internally selecting which of the 4 bytes it will use).it the memory chips are 64 bits wide, 8 address bits are needed (with the CPU internally selecting which of the 8 bytes it will use.if the memory chips are 4 bits wide, 12 address bits will be needed and the CPU must perform 2 memory cycles per byte that it needs. (yes, I have seen a computer that worked this way!)etc.

A computer has 64MB megabytes of memory Each word is 4 bytes How many bits are needed to address each single word in memory?

The memory address space is 64 MB, which means 226. However, each word is 4 bytes, which means that you have 224 words. This means you need log2 224 or 24 bits, to address each word.

How many words are there in an address space specified by 24 bits and the corresponding memory space by 16 bits?

address space=24bits => (2 Power 24)=16M words