They should.
HK's website has all the technical data you are looking for.
The HK USP is a semi-automatic pistol developed by the German company Heckler & Koch GmbH. Information on the firearm and its variations can be obtained from the company directly or through publications such as Guns and Ammon.
500 USD
No. There will be a two letter date date code.
Take it to a qualified gunsmith.
I don't watch 24 (yeah, I know, I'm an anomoly) but based on pictures I've seen, it appears to be a H&K some pictures, a Sig in others, and in one particular picture, he is carrying a Glock. I suspect perhaps he uses different guns at different times.
Brand new as of 2008 - Anywhere from 730 to 900 contingent upon where you buy it. Used - contingent upon round count and condition - Anywhere from 550 to 700 generally.
What are the advantage of the USP?
The GCF is 9.