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Sorry but you can't.

You May say that ^ but of course u can u have to pay tho

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Q: How do you download whatsapp for a Samsung Galaxy s3?
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Why do you have to download pictures to see them on text messaging on Samsung Galaxy S3?

The photo may be coming from a different carrier and that is the reason you must download the photo on a Samsung Galaxy S3.

Does Samsung Galaxy S3 have Temple Run?

The app Temple Run can be download onto the Samsung Galaxy S3 free of charge on the Google Play Store.

Does the Samsung Galaxy s3 have Skype?

Not by default, but you can download a skype app.

How can you download facebook for Samsung Galaxy s3?

Go to Google Play Store.

Does Samsung Galaxy s3 have FaceTime?

FaceTime is not supported by Samsung devices. There are video conferencing apps that you can download that you can use with your Galaxy devices.

When was the Samsung Galaxy s3 raleased?

The Samsung Galaxy S3 was released on May 29, 2012.

Can you text people on a galaxy Samsung Galaxy s3?

Yes, the Samsung Galaxy S3 comes with a pre-installed texting app.

Does the Samsung Galaxy s3 use android?

Yes. The Samsung Galaxy S3 runs Android version 4.1

No. It is specifically designed to only fit the Samsung Galaxy S3.?

No. It is specifically designed to only fit the Samsung Galaxy S3.

Samsung Galaxy s3 or s4 mini?

The Samsung Galaxy S4 mini is more popular than the S3 mini.

Is the Samsung Galaxy s3 Android?

Yes, the Samsung Galaxy S3 runs on Android 4.2, 4.3, or 4.4 depending on the carrier.

What is better a iPod five or a Samsung Galaxy S3?

An iPod Touch 5th generation is not a phone. A Samsung Galaxy S3 is a phone.